Saturday, February 7, 2009

Why college is great for us women

Why College is great for us women:
1- It's our chance to shine and become who we want to be
2- It's our greatest challenge and our way to rise above what people think of us and accomplish our goals
3-It puts us to the test every day
4-It gives us new challenges every day
5-It lets us know who we are and what we could be. Our chance to be someone better than we were
6-It's our way of telling the world, i'm me, and i'll never change unless I want to make changes.
7-It's our chance to reclaim the lives our ancestors once enjoyed and even make it better. It's our chance to say, "I want to do something with my life and tell the world about it."
8-It's our chance to do some good for other people. No more selfishness'
9- It is a difficult challenge, but something that is worth-while
10- It shows us what we need to do to become what we want to be and to excel in the career we choose
11- It allows us to use our minds and our voices.
12-It teaches us many lessons. Some we should've learned in High School
13-It can turn your whole world around
14- It allows you to converse with like-minded individuals
15-It helps you to feel like you're somebody and gives you that boost that says, "I can do this, I just need to keep working at it"
16-It lets you know the structure of your future is now set in stone, because you know you have a good background for it
17- It allows you to go as far as you can take yourself
18-It can help you discover who you are